Are fears or phobias affecting your quality of life?
In 4 sessions, you could get rid of a phobia or a fear; how? Following the initial consultation on understanding the brain, we will decide if you require some general phobia hypnotherapy sessions. When ready, during hypnosis, we will access the fear template in a manner that will not make you feel uncomfortable and make changes to the template. In the following session, we create the preferred way of feeling or behaving- creating a new template. Phobia hypnotherapy is a simple but effective process.

What is a phobia?
A phobia is an irrational fear without good reason or fear that something may not happen. Why does the brain create a phobia? To protect us – it’s either learnt or a response to situation when we already have limited mental capacity. You can be phobia or fear free with as little as 4 sessions!
Common phobias include:
- Acrophobia – fear of heights
- Aerophobia – fear of flying
- Aichmophobia – fear of needles
- Arachnophobia – fear of spiders
- Hemophobia – fear of blood
- Mottephobia – fear of moths
- Ophidiophobia – fear of snakes
If you recognise the phobia symptoms mentioned above take the opportunity to contact Mindability on 07902580703
or contact us below to arrange your free telephone consultation
+ Online Hypnotherapy Services Available
Please Note: Solution focused hypnotherapy is very effective. However, results may vary and success is not guaranteed. Success is dependent on your willingness and commitment to make changes.