The basics of Hypnobirthing

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The basics of Hypno-birthing

Hypnobirthing gained momentum in the 1970’s as an alternative to medicalised births. It promotes the ethos that each pregnancy and labour are as unique as the Mother. The aim of hypno-birthing is not to create unrealistic expectations, such as shortening the labour, or a natural or intervention free  labour (the research shows the probability is higher). The aim is to prepare both parents by understanding the labour process, to learn easy strategies so their birthing experience is empowering. In other words, parents always feel in control.

The sessions have been designed so the parents understand the physical and psychological phases of birthing.

There is an emphasis on your birthing partner playing an active and supportive role. This begins before labour commences and you are encouraged to discuss all aspects of your birthing plan.  Part of the birthing partners role is to help the Mother to remain calm. This is achieved by learning the breathing techniques and self-hypnosis during pregnancy, as a couple so you can be confident.

It is likely that have heard plenty of horror stories – Because nothing creates drama like ‘my birth was worse than you can imagine’. This can heighten our stress response and cause our body to work against ourselves during birthing.

During the sessions, you will learn how to manage hearsay, how to encourage the production of desirable hormones.

Famous advocates hypnobirthing include Jessica Alba, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle.

On average, hypnobirthing clients are seen for 4 sessions usually during the 7th month of pregnancy. However, if there are additional factors to consider i.e. helping a couple to overcome previous difficult experiences etc, further appointments may be beneficial.   

The Lead Hypnotherapist has undertaken specialist training ensuring you get the best service possible. Asha has also undertaken hypno-birthing with her 2 children and is willing to share her wonderful experience of hypno-birthing during appointments.The aim of this short blog was to cover the basics of Hypno-birthing. If you have any questions, book an telephone consultation for an informal chat.